Sunday, August 28, 2011

Step Six

Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character

I wanted to get caught up on the Steps. We should be on Eight, so I have a bit to do.

Six is a tricky step in some ways, and one that is hard to separate from Step Seven. In my experience, Six is not an event, but rather a process – sometimes it takes time to become willing. I usually hit Step Six and become entirely willing to have ME remove all my defects of character. If I could have done that, I would have a long time ago.

As I grow in spirituality, I have more and more issue with the idea of a God outside myself (my favorite saying is “God is not in me like a button is in a glass of water; God is in me like the ocean is in a wave.”) So, what does Step Six look like if I am part of God or trying to be God Expressing? A Buddhist friend of mine decided that LOVE would be her higher power. I can really get behind that idea. I allow love in. I allow it to change me, to improve me. I allow love to rule my actions rather than fear. And all I have to do is be willing.

So, what does Step Six look like in terms of body acceptance? For me, it meant being willing to have a complete paradigm shift – that’s all! No, really – for me it meant being willing to have my whole reality change. For so long, I believed fat was a bad thing and I was bad for being fat. Step Six meant that I had to be willing for this idea to change: that I had to be willing to believe that I was good, that my body was good, and that I was lovable even though I’m fat, an absolutely revolutionary idea.

Self-hate has been, by far, the biggest character defect I have let go of in this process. Step Six has meant a willingness to love all of myself exactly as I am, warts and all. I have always wanted to be different, to be someone else. As part of the Step process, I had to learn to love myself right here, right now.

So, how do you work Step Six? Here is one possible way:


Carefully review your 4th Step. Have you left anything out? Thank God (love, the Universe, etc.) that you know your higher power and yourself better after the 4th Step. Ask yourself “are you ready to let go of the things that no longer work for you?” If you answer no on anything, ask for willingness. Allow yourself to be filled with willingness.


1. Write a list of character defects
2. Put a star or a check by those that you are willing to let go


I am willing to let go of those things that no longer serve me. I am willing to love myself and my body as I am.

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