Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The purpose of this blog is to explore the intersection of spirituality and Fat Acceptance (FA). If that appeals to you, welcome. If that does not appeal to you, I welcome you to frequent the many Fatosphere blogs that explore other ideas.

My name is Liat (Love In Action Today). No, that is not my real name. In this blog, I want to talk about things – things like recovery and spirituality and advocacy – that require my anonymity on such a public level. I will speak from place of spirituality; not from any religion, but from a generic place of spirit. Though I subscribe to no particular religion, I am a member of Unity Church (metaphysical Christian). I believe that the majority religions, especially the mystical aspects, have validity in some form or another. However, I am hardily anti-fundamentalist (in any religion).

I call my own personal belief system “potpourri spirituality.” That is, I take a little bit from all kinds of spiritual writings: Judeo-Christian along with Eastern (Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, etc.), some New Age, and topped off with 12-Step Recovery. I love the mystics in all religions. Feel free to share your own experience, strength and hope in whatever form it may come, but preaching or attempts at conversion will not be tolerated.

I have been actively studying FA for over seven years now. Before that I spent 30 years, from age 8 to 38, trying to get skinny. Most of that 30 years I was an in-betweenie wearing size 16-18 and weighing about 170-190 pounds. Right at the time I started exploring FA I got very sick with a weird thyroid disease which made me gain about 100 pounds. Today, I weight in the 275 range, wearing size 24-26. I have my thyroid disease under control so my weight seems pretty stable these days. I have found peace with that bigger body as well.

I also have a history of 12-Step recovery. At the writing of this piece, I have 15 years in Al-Anon (for friends and families of alcoholics) and 14 years in Alcoholics Anonymous. When I could not find peace with my body, I tried Overeaters Anonymous and stayed “abstinent” (not eating any forbidden foods) for six years. I never did find peace with my body or food through OA, hence the exploration into FA. I believe in the 12-steps, but seeing my body and food as the enemy never worked for me. That being the case, I have looked for ways to merge FA and the way of living I have found to work in other areas of my life.

If you are interested in such topics, hang around. Maybe we can have some interesting conversations! Whatever your viewpoint, please always remember “to take what you like and leave the rest. “


  1. I am very pleased to have found your blog. I spent the latter part of my adolescence in a you part of my young adulthood trying to “get it” in overeaters anonymous. When I found the fat acceptance/health at every size community three years ago, I knew my time in overeaters anonymous was done. I do miss the community and focus on spirituality. I look forward to reading through your blog as your introduction is grabbed my interest.

  2. Glad to have you aboard!! I have wanted a community to discuss the spiritual aspects of FA for so long that I finally decided to create one. I'm glad to see it catching people's interest.
