Saturday, March 12, 2011

Having a Human Experience

I am the sayings queen, and one I love particularly goes like this:

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

I remember the day I thought, “Why would I ever want to have a human experience?”

I do believe that I am primarily a spiritual being. I also believe that I have chosen this human experience. As to why, I have been able to look at everything in my life -- the horrors, the sadness, the griefs, the joys, the hopes, the dreams -- and been able to find a spiritual reason for all of them. So, I sat here asking myself “why would I ever choose to be fat? What spiritual purpose could I get out of such an experience?”

What spiritual purpose? Beau coups of them! I am learning to love myself when others say I am unlovable. I am learning not to base my belief in my own worthiness on another’s opinions. I am learning to listen to my body, my mind and my soul and tell the difference between all three. I am learning to listen with my heart – to hear pain in a person’s words instead of hate. I am learning to have compassion for those who treat me poorly. I am learning to show others how to love themselves, no matter what. I am learning forgiveness on a grand scale. Such lessons, lessons that I could only learn as one who is in some form outcast.

If I will look at my life from spiritual perspective, then this human experience makes sense. If I will look at my life that way, even being fat makes sense.

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